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100% Green electricity

The LIVING BERLIN uses 100 % from independent associations verified Green electricity from certified providers.

Since our large house consumes a lot of energy for lighting and ventilation, it goes without saying that we obtain this energy from renewable or ecological sources.

By using 100% green electricity, we are setting an example for climate protection and for curbing CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, which no longer fit in with the times.


The green roof of LIVING BERLIN, a planted roof area, fulfills many purposes: fine dust and CO2 are filtered out of the air by the plants and grasses. In addition, numerous insect species have a home on our roof. The greenery also insulates in winter and serves as heat protection in summer. As a natural air conditioning system, it thus contributes to energy savings at LIVING BERLIN.

Positive side effecteffect Besides all these good EffectsThe green roof also has a positive influence on the existing building certification, which further increases the sustainability of the building.


LIVING BERLIN is working on the prompt installation of e-charging stations in the parking garage in order to promote the e-mobility of our customers in terms of both ecological and economic sustainability.


The BREEAM certificate for LIVING BERLIN is an important source of information for investors, tenants and, of course, local residents to assess the sustainability of a property. BREEAM certification pays particular attention to the highest standards in assessing the environmental impact of construction activities and is also a "green building" label for ecological aspects.

Urban Beekeeping

Bees have had a home on our roof for some time now. The first beehive laid the foundation stone on our green roof. The positive development suggests that more bee colonies will enrich the roof of LIVING BERLIN in the future.